Michael R. Middlebrook M.D.
Primary specialty: Interventional Radiology
Board certification: American Board of Radiology '93 CAQ in Vascular and Interventional Radiology '00
Fellowship: University of Pennsylvania
Residency: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Medical school: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
Memberships: SIR, TMA, BCMS
Board certification: American Board of Radiology '93 CAQ in Vascular and Interventional Radiology '00
Fellowship: University of Pennsylvania
Residency: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Medical school: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
Memberships: SIR, TMA, BCMS
Contact Dr. Middlebrook
To send Dr. Middlebrook an email
To see Dr. Middlebrook in the Transplant Clinic with Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital call 210.575
To see Dr. Middlebrook in the Transplant Clinic with Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital call 210.575